Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How Money is a Necessary Tools

God -giving resources for executing God-giving visions remains one of the most significant challenges facing churches, Christian ministry and leaders today.
God himself declared that money is necessary tools to push the kingdom of God forward. Zechariah 1;17
To grant something to somebody: to allow somebody to have something such as power or a right
To impart or convey something such as information, advice, or opinions to somebody
Giving is a personal and conscious recognition of the fact that God is the creator and owner of everything you have Psalm 24:1
Does God Need Our Money?
The Church belongs to the omnipotent God of the universe; why would it have any need? God does not have a need but the fact remains that church and Christian ministries are in need of financial support.
A Biblical Case Study?
The call to help the church in Jerusalem was made specifically towards believers
God has shown us through His Word an example of proper "church giving .
We find the first instance of fundraising in the early church at Acts 11:29-30.
The believers of the Jerusalem church were true givers. Knowing that everything they had belonged to God, these believers sold all they had in order to help one another.
"And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." (Acts 2:44-45)
Their love and generosity sustained the church, but soon all their land and possessions were used up. The Jerusalem church was now in real need of help. To that end, Paul made the Jerusalem church the focus of a special relief project.
A collection was made from all the other churches throughout the Mediterranean region.
1 Corinthians 16:1-4.
God is the owner of the ministry, church, and money. Psalm 24:1-2. Haggai 2;8
Live under the anointing of the holy spirit:1 Cor 2:4-5.
Engage the faithful people. They must be taught about giving and the blessing that follows:
Luke 8:1-2. Moses did the same thing. Exd 35:21-22, Exd 36:5
Labour to meet the need of people, they will be a blessing to the church. Prov 22:29. Prov 10:4.
Church income source includes, tithes, offerings, revivals, harvest, Anniversary, Sunday schools, Pledges, maternity collections etc. Mal3:10. 2Cor8:14 

It is the duty of the church leaders to establish right financial policy, procedures and controls. Set up procedures and system suitable for them.

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